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Difference Between Systems Analyst and Business Analyst

Many people struggle to differentiate between a systems analyst and a business analyst. In some organizations, there are no differences, while in others, the comparison is almost seen as an insult. Depending on the business or corporation, there are many variations. The job title alone is not enough to compare these two roles. The problem arises when the title is not conclusive. The business systems analyst or the systems business analyst can actually be either one or both. The only way to determine this is through the job description. However, there are still differences.

A systems analyst is capable of examining a program or utility and understanding the code. They can identify where changes need to be made and incorporate new data into an existing program to benefit the company. The systems analyst can collect data and convert it into usable code for a new project or program. They can also identify potential issues within the code and rewrite it to resolve the problem. Typically, the systems analyst can communicate with other IT members using technical jargon that may be unfamiliar to the business stakeholders. However, the stakeholders are simply grateful that the job is being done.

On the other hand, the business analyst has a more complex role. They not only need to understand IT terminology but also how the stakeholders communicate. The business analyst is more of a people person and acts as a liaison between management and IT. They are able to analyze all aspects of the company and identify underlying causes for system failures. However, they may not possess the coding skills required to fix the issue. Nonetheless, the business analyst can conceptualize what the code is supposed to achieve.

The business analyst can retrieve reports and data from IT and transform them into reports necessary for developing a project plan or program. They may also need to conduct further research and development in another department, which they are capable of doing. This is not to say that the systems analyst cannot perform these tasks. The systems analyst tends to be more straightforward in their approach. On the other hand, the true business analyst is more creative and flexible.

The business analyst is someone who can bring teams together to focus on the project's outcome. They excel at leading meetings and presenting information in a language that is easily understood. The business analyst is motivational and serves as a driving force behind the project plan.

Both roles are essential for a successful business. The systems analyst may need the business analyst to determine the requirements for the code to function effectively. Conversely, the business analyst relies on the systems analyst to ensure the code works efficiently. By working together, these individuals can achieve great things for the company. Some companies may have both needs met by one person or a team. Ultimately, it is a matter of choice. Trying to decide between the two roles may result in more headaches than simply hiring two qualified individuals to complete the task at hand.

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